What I found interesting this time

by: Artur Dziedziczak

January 7, 2024

“6 Practical Exercises To Help You Draw Proportions Right,” n.d. https://sweetmonia.com/Sweet-Drawing-Blog/6-practical-exercises-to-help-you-draw-proportions-right/

Great article on how to train your eyes and hand movement for better proportion drawing. Examples author show are different and varies from putting dots between dots, lines between lines and shapes drawing exercises. I seen similar techniques used by really successful artists so would recommend anyone who starts their way in the art world.

“A* Tricks for Videogame Path Finding,” n.d. https://timmastny.com/blog/a-star-tricks-for-videogame-path-finding/

Interesting blog about usage of A* algorithm in small 2D video games. Very pleasant introduction to the problem. Author also provides good visualisation of problems he encountered.

“Art Composition Principle:- Movement, and How to Add Actions to Your Photos & Artworks,” n.d. https://sweetmonia.com/Sweet-Drawing-Blog/art-composition-principle-movement-and-how-to-add-actions-to-your-photos-artworks/

Interesting blog post about movement representation in art. I really liked how author managed to put so many details and examples in one post. In last part hr also show different types of art movement like impressionism, rococo, surrealism.

“I Studied TWO Years in University and This Happened,” n.d. https://youtu.be/oMtYnmQbxLs

Bisqwit managed to get Bachelor degree! The guy is insanely smart and professional. I remember he was a huge inspiration for me to become a try hard Linux nerd. If you like to write in C while looking at screen of weird editor this channel is for you.

“New York Times Sued Microsoft and OpenAI,” n.d. https://nytco-assets.nytimes.com/2023/12/NYT_Complaint_Dec2023.pdf

This is a great summary of the current state of LLM. The first part explains why NYT decided to sue OpenAI and Microsoft. From interesting parts, OpenAI is no longer a no-profit organization and does not publish their research while Microsoft is funding it. The second part is even more interesting. It shows examples where GPT from OpenAI produced almost 1 to 1 quotes from pay-walled articles in NYT. Next, there are examples of summarization and paragraph injection, which allow you to access NYT articles. I really think Microsoft and OpenAI do not look good there. What a time to be alive!

“Stuff We Figured out about AI in 2023,” n.d. https://simonwillison.net/2023/Dec/31/ai-in-2023/

Interesting blog about LLM. It clearly explains what we actually learned about LLM this year. I don’t fully agree with all claims in it, like the one that the best use case of LLM is to generate code with it. I personally think the best use case is to write fiction stories and summaries. There is also an interesting part about the ethical usage of AI. The author found an interesting link to a document written by the New York Times that sued OpenAI and Microsoft. It is definitely a must-read.

“Happy New Year: GPT in 500 Lines of SQL,” n.d. https://explainextended.com/2023/12/31/happy-new-year-15/

Great post about math, reasoning and implementation of LLM in …​ SQL. This one is really good. Step by step shows how to build LLM from scratch. I think I’ll have to read it again to grasp everything better but after first time I already understood enough to share it as a good read.

“AI or Not — Detect AI-Generated Photos Using AI,” n.d. https://tolkunov.dev/posts/ai-or-not/

Tool that allows you to detect if image was AI generated. I would love to see tools that also allow to detect AI altered images.

“Polish Hackers Say Manufacturer’s Repair DRM Killed Train’s Power, Broke Compressor,” n.d. https://www.404media.co/polish-hackers-explain-exactly-how-they-fixed-trains-that-the-manufacturer-bricked/

Apparently train manufacture company decided to install various DRM inside trains. One of it prevented from fixing the train in competitors station.

“The Various Proportions Of Human Hand, Fingers & Arm,” n.d. https://sweetmonia.com/Sweet-Drawing-Blog/the-various-proportions-of-human-hand-fingers-arm/

Super interesting post about hands and arms drawing and their proportion. Author suggest what are the best ratios for them. Its also mentioned what golden ratio is and how to draw fingers with proper angles between them.

“Christmas Lecture 5: Virtual Reality. Can You Believe What You See?,” n.d. https://open.spotify.com/episode/0ucoXwJQMMWbRNLsvBfpxT?si=kD5INB3FRG-2y1ZBdd4V9Q

Richard Dawkins makes a lecture in front of kids on British national television. This is an audio feed version, but it’s still beautify recorded. I really liked the part where he described how our brain is building the world we see. His example with illusions in easy way show how our brain can be tricked to imagine things that do not exist. I also liked the last part where he taught kids about the importance of validation of their beliefs. The way he speaks about religion is something every person should hear at least once in their lifetime.

“All About Drawing In Perspective-(Part 1),” n.d. https://sweetmonia.com/Sweet-Drawing-Blog/all-about-drawing-in-perspective-part-1/

Great blog post on different types of perspectives. It covers 1,2,3 point perspective, define vanishing points and aerial perspective. I think its worth reading for everyone who wants to draw better.

“How to Measure Proportions in Different Ways? (Both Good & Bad),” n.d. https://sweetmonia.com/Sweet-Drawing-Blog/how-to-measure-proportions-in-different-ways-both-good-bad/

Another Blog on how to draw proportions. This one focuses on how to copy existing painting or draw things without skew perspective.

“Two Biologists Conflict and Facism,” n.d. https://open.spotify.com/episode/2vSxJr1iQgh34azNXMW6x9?si=g-G_bZrLQNmFcIxrA_A6VA

First part of the episode is focused on current Israeli-Palestinian conflict and its not well explained. Both of them lack knowledge about history which makes them move between their assumptions of how situation really look like. It’s sad as if you read short summary of whole conflict its clear that both Israeli and Palestinian Hamas are terrorist. Second part is better though. I really like the discussion about free speech in science. This was really well prepared. Last part was concentrated on genetic differences between "races". It was also pretty good. My personal opinion about free speech and diversity in academia is a bit different than theirs. I think we should give people with less wealth possibility to study. Most of those people are coming from quite diverse spectrum of origin. Different skin color, genders and sex. There should be a way to allow them join academia even if their first years of life did not allow their families to gather wealth for their precious education. But I’m not a scientist. For sure we should not look for answer in their lower IQ in genes but focus on society. Even though I don’t think genes are completely not relevant. Still society and its inequality plays a huge role. I think both of them missed this point which I’m quite sad about. Keeping universities only for rich white kids is something we should all avoid even if their education is simply greater. Universities shape the future and if there is no diversity in it a lot of problems won’t be even addressed. There are many examples of that, starting on AI that does not recognise black people as humans to research on sociological topics which omit diverse parts of population.

“How to Draw the Human Figure Body in Perspective Using Grids, Diminution and Foreshortening,” n.d. https://sweetmonia.com/Sweet-Drawing-Blog/how-to-draw-the-human-figure-body-in-perspective-using-grids-diminution-and-foreshortening/

Another great post on how to draw human body in perspective. This month I really felt in love with this blogger.

“Perspective Principles:- Diminution, and How to Draw Objects at an Equal Distance,” n.d. https://sweetmonia.com/Sweet-Drawing-Blog/perspective-principles-diminution-and-how-to-draw-objects-at-an-equal-distance/

Interesting blog article about diminution which allows to draw elements with equal distances whenever perspective is introduced.

“A Detailed Look on the Human Head & Face Proportions,” n.d. https://sweetmonia.com/Sweet-Drawing-Blog/a-detailed-look-on-the-human-head-face-proportions/

Author in details explain proportions of human face. I think from now on I’ll keep this as a reference for my drawings.